Ecological footprint

At The Inside, we are aware that events and stand construction have an impact on the environment. Together with you, we try to keep this impact as low as possible.

We hire out many of our materials to you so that we can use them multiple times. We also keep the parts customised for you in storage, if required, between the different times we deploy them. This saves materials, energy and transport movements.

After depreciation of our rental materials, we find a suitable solution for replacement materials. Material that is still good is sold on if necessary and when replacing it we opt for sustainable(er) alternatives, such as LED spots. Our waste is separated during production and residual wood is specifically collected by a company that turns it into new products.

Thus, The Inside is doing its proverbial bit in this area.

Ecological footprint

At The Inside, we are aware that events and stand construction have an impact on the environment. Together with you, we try to keep this impact as low as possible.

We hire out many of our materials to you so that we can use them multiple times. We also keep the parts customised for you in storage, if required, between the different times we deploy them. This saves materials, energy and transport movements.

After depreciation of our rental materials, we find a suitable solution for replacement materials. Material that is still good is sold on if necessary and when replacing it we opt for sustainable(er) alternatives, such as LED spots. Our waste is separated during production and residual wood is specifically collected by a company that turns it into new products.

Thus, The Inside is doing its proverbial bit in this area.