After your project

The fair or event has ended, but actually the work is just beginning. In the weeks after your event or after the exhibition, it is important to stay ‘in touch’ with your (potential) leads. Follow up on calls and honour agreements made.

Follow up

Send all visitors, leads and invited guests a personal thank you for visiting.

Make sure everyone who asked for documentation receives it.

Confirm the agreements you made during the fair with the relevant visitors.

Check your list of potential list and call them, or visit.

After the exhibition

When the exhibition is finished, your work isn’t. In the weeks following the exhibition, you have to proceed with the follow up and evaluation. Need more information? Download our document Time frame at the bottom of this page.

Follow up

Now is the time to follow up on possible leads you gathered during the exhibition.

Send all the visitors of your stand a personal note or a small attention to thank them for their visit.

Send or mail the documentations that visitors applied for.

Confirm appointments you made during the exhibition.

Call or visit possible leads